Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nicki and Kara

Nicki is one of my oldest friends (we met in 1st grade).  When they asked me to do the save the dates I was honored.  They wanted something simple, but them.  The picture was taken by a friend of their's Alexi J. Alma, and with a few minor photoshoping tweaks this is what I came up with.

The wedding was beyond memorable.   The entire day was all about their love for eachother, friends, family, wine, music, and of and pie.  It was a very intimate wedding, and almost everyone present took a part in some way on that special day. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

paddy wagon.....

Once in a while I let the kids I babysit make a little art project on my computer in photoshop.  Yesterday was one of those days.  My favorite little six year old loves to draw me rescue vehicles of every shape and size.  He has gotten pretty good at them, but is still mastering them being drawn with a computer mouse.

Monday, November 29, 2010

EPHU Detroit!

I'm always looking to support a homestate local. I found EPHU on a great freelance site I immediately felt compelled to come up with a few shirt designs and see what they think.  Though they did like them, contacts where signed, none of them went into production for different reasons. 


In the beginning....

I'm starting this blog as a compilation of work I have done and am presently working on. Currently, I am working on vamping up my portfolio, so some of this is coming out of the wood works. Others parts of it are current things I'm working and exploring to help motivate my creative soul. You're encouraged to leave questions, comments and concerns.  Criticism is one my best friend but a Compliment is my BFF.